
地球的空气, 水, 土地, and other elements interact with each other to form a healthy foundation for the survival of living things and a rich biodiversity. 此外, human lifestyle and economic activities develop sustainably through the use of the Earth’s valuable natural capital and the social capital generated in the course of wide-ranging activities. SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is working to help create this kind of planet and society and has positioned the environment as a materiality (key focus area) of its ESG management.
We have also identified long-term targets and initiatives in our Long-term 环境al Management Vision, SEKISUI 环境 Sustainability Vision 2050. 认识气候变化, 资源回收利用, and 与水相关的风险 as important issues, we are promoting efforts to reduce GHG emissions and promote the recycling of resources. Not to mention the need to prevent further deterioration of natural capital, including steps to reduce the impact on ecosystems, we are endeavoring to provide returns to natural 社会资本 through such measures as sales expansion of products to enhance sustainability and are engaging in business activities on a daily basis with the aim of realizing an earth with maintained biodiversity.
As far as our approach toward climate change is concerned, which we recognize as our most important challenge, we reanalyzed the risks and opportunities related to this issue. In response to efforts aimed at accelerating targets as a result of initiatives taken to date, we also revised our strategy based on the roadmap laid to maintain the increase in temperature to less than 1.5°C in fiscal 2022, the final year of our current Medium-term Management Plan. 除了, we acknowledge the critical need to reduce greenhouse 气体 emissions not only in our corporate activities, but also across the supply chain as a whole in order to contribute to the realization of a truly decarbonized society. 记住这一点, we have adopted a strategy that prioritizes 资源回收利用 and are strengthening efforts in collaboration with the supply chain.
Under the Medium-term Management Plan starting from fiscal 2023, we will focus on accelerating the shift to renewable energy for purchased power and reducing fuel-derived GHG emissions in a bid to address the risks associated with climate change. As far as 资源回收利用 is concerned, we will focus on the resource conversion of raw material resins, increasing the material recycling rate for waste plastics. From a 与水相关的风险 perspective, we will place particular emphasis on reducing Water intake volume and COD emission volumes while minimizing the impact of our business. 此外, we will renew our understanding toward the interrelated nature of such environmental issues as climate change, 资源回收利用, 与水相关的风险, 和生物多样性, and bolster efforts to consider solutions that do not involve trade-offs throughout the product lifecycle as we carry out these endeavors.

  • 注:自然资本:
    A term that refers to physical resources from nature, 比如土壤, 空气, 水, 矿物质, 动植物群, as well as biological capital, 人力资本, 社会资本.
  • 社会资本:
    A term that refers to the social infrastructure and facilities that form the basis of production activities and living environments, 例如道路工程, 住房, 港口, 机场, 铁路, 水 supply and sewerage systems, 公园, 教育设施, 社会福利设施, 电, 气体, 和医院.